Training department
In-person and online sessions to face challenges of the agricultural world and the environment.
À la Une
Upcoming training sessions, news and information not to be missed
To respond to the challenges of the agricultural world, we support you in developing your skills and knowledge through in-person and distance training. The speakers, experts in their field and close to the ground, are keen to share their experience gained from research, studies and experimentation.
Training is available for all actors from all agricultural domains:
- advisers from professional agricultural organizations, from development and cooperation
- technicians and engineers (Agricultural Technical Institutes, Chambers of Agriculture, phytopharmaceutical companies, service providers in experimentation…)
- teachers and trainers
Training courses are offered in 6 areas of expertise:
- Biocontrol
- Adventitious flora
- Sanitary quality
- Phytopharmaceutical products
- Data science
- European project management and setting up
All our trainings
Find the right course for your needs
La modélisation en santé végétale : des grands principes aux outils d’aide à la décision
Connaître les grands principes de la modélisation et avoir un panorama des différents outils existants servant à la...
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Paris (75) - Montage de projets du programme «Horizon Europe»
Comprendre les attentes et la stratégie de la Commission Européenne par rapport au programme Horizon Europe. Savoir répondre opérationnellement à un Appel à Projets européen puis structurer son projet.
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À distance - Text mining ou l’exploitation de données textuelles pour les risques...
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L'expertise des instituts techniques pour perfectionner vos connaissances et...
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Sur-mesure - Reconnaissance des graminées Printemps/Été au stade plantule
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Les formations bien-être animal des instituts techniques agricoles
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On-demand training
You can improve your knowledge by following the training courses listed above. Acta can also respond to “customised” requests and organize training sessions within your organization. For any request of in-house training, contact us!
You are the best to talk about it:
of learners were satisfied in 2021
of learners recommend our trainings
Les formations des Instituts Techniques agricoles
Selon votre domaine d’activité et filière, les Instituts Techniques proposent des modules, pratiques et opérationnels pour accompagner tout projet de formation, individuelle ou collective sur des thématiques éclectiques.
Contact us :
Violaine Lejeune
Responsable formation
0181721709 / 0634286527
Volimata Camara
Assistante administrative et commerciale