The Green Deal also aims to make Europe climate neutral by 2050.
In France, the National Low-Carbon Strategy, France’s roadmap to address climate change and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, aims to halve sectoral emissions between 2015 and 2050 (-19% between 2015 and 2030).
Agricultural soils are a potential atmospheric carbon sink through soil organic matter. These are also essential for soil functioning and the many ecosystem services they provide. As the 4p1000 initiative reminds us, increasing the storage of organic carbon in agricultural soils contributes to food security, climate change mitigation and allows soils to be more resilient in a changing climate.
The Agricultural Technical Institutes network is mobilizing to implement between 2022 and 2027 a program called “Climate Change Mitigation in French Agricultural Systems” led by Idele. This program aims to identify, test and disseminate levers for reducing GHG emissions and practices that increase or maintain carbon storage in various crop and livestock systems.
This program is structured around 3 actions:
- Harmonization of methods and tools, development of interoperability
- Elaboration of climate change mitigation solutions
- Implementation of accompanying and transfer approaches to farmers
Regarding the adaptation of agriculture to climate change, the network of Agricultural Technical Institutes is involved in the Clima Technological Mixed Network (Adaptation of Agricultural Farms to Climate Change).
This program is structured around 3 axes:
- Production of information on the agro-climate context: the toolbox
- Short-term impacts and adaptation levers to climate change
- Long-term impacts and adaptation levers to climate change
The objective is to provide the necessary answers to agricultural actors and accelerate transfer in order to aim for a joint and effective adaptation of agricultural productions, sectors and territories to climate change; in coherence with the multi-performance of farms and climate mitigation issues.